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"Be the change you want to see in the world".

Mahatma Gandhi


I work with mission-driven organisations and individuals to affect internal positive change for greater outward impact.

I advise and develop leaders and entrepreneurs to become agents of change for building a positive future by focusing on human change that makes social and societal transformation possible.

It is a transformational journey from where they are now to where they have the potential to go and beyond.

I operate in the behavioural dimension of change.

Observing the depth and scope of our behaviour, as it occurs in the moment,

becomes the necessary action in

transforming ourselves and our society.


The Sense of Urgency for Change

The world is at a crossroads, undergoing a technological revolution that is changing how we work, how we live, and how we relate to one another.


These changes are happening widely and they go deep. They are happening at exponential velocity, and they have profound systemic impact.


Emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, quantum computing, advanced materials and biotechnologies are disruptive, pervading and will drive radical shifts in the way we live.


These advances are forcing us to question how we can shape it to human purposes, and what it means to be human.


At the same time, we face a host of systemic challenges. Climate collapse, destruction of eco-systems, growing scarcity of water, youth unemployment, the impact of automation and globalisation, and embedded poverty and inequality all form part of the 17 SDGs agreed on by 193 nation states in 2015 to be achieved by 2030. They all require unprecedented collective action from multi-disciplinary stakeholders.


The problems we face, however, are not detached from us. Real change starts with recognising that we are all part of the systems that need changing. Real change starts with people. Transforming systems is ultimately about transforming people, and the relationships among people who shape those systems.


The only way to do this is to challenge our assumptions, widen our perspectives, and have the courage to be vulnerable and listen more deeply to one another. This involves opening both the mind and the heart.


To actively shape the world we want, a world that is in line with common human values, we need to create the space for change in ourselves and on the outside, to enable this intelligence and wisdom to emerge, and bring about new ways of observing, thinking, acting and being.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain"

- Anonymous


“After I speak with Anne-Marie, it feels like my brain has drunk a big glass of cold, fresh water. - I am able to clarify and align my next steps with what really matters to me.” 


—  Anna

Space is not the setting -

real or logical - in which things

are arranged, but the means whereby the position of things becomes possible.

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